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Khamis, 5 September 2013

What they're saying about Samsung's Galaxy Gear (English Language)

Follow my twitter : @fariszarif

(CNN) -- In rolling out its Galaxy Gear on Wednesday, Samsung effectively launched the smartwatch wars, becoming the biggest player in an emerging gadget market that could soon see Apple, Google and others join the fray.

"Today, Samsung reinvents a centuries-old product," Samsung research director Pranav Mistry said at a launch event in Berlin. "I can proudly say Galaxy Gear is a design statement, an engineering marvel and something that really redefines tomorrow."

So, no false modesty here. But, what did everyone else have to say?

Tech bloggers' first impressions of the watch, which will go on sale in late September in much of the world and in October in the United States and Japan, were predictably less grandiose than that.

Many complimented the Gear as a significant step forward in mobile technology with a host of interesting features and the potential for even more. But its $299 price tag was a concern for many, as were worries that sluggish responses on some apps will turn out to be a persistent problem, not a case of opening-day jitters.

Others complained the watch must be synced with a Galaxy phone or tablet to get the most out of its functionality.

We've rounded up some thoughts from folks who got an early look at the connected watch, which will compete against rival devices from Pebble, Sony and other makers. Keep in mind that many of them had limited time with the device and some will publish more in-depth reviews later.
